Lab Test 2

You will sit your second lab test in regular lab times in Week 8. You will have 90 minutes to complete the test.

You will not use the labs repository to complete the lab test. Instead, you will create your own repositories as part of the test. When you sit the test, you will find instructions on the desktop of the computer when you log in.

Your lab test will include the HelloWorld exercise from lab 1, plus four questions chosen at random from the homework questions for units J8, J9, J10, J11, J12 , J14, O2, and O4. The test will not contain any questions that you have not seen before. Work through all of your homework questions to ensure that you are fully prepared for the exam.

Your mark in the second lab test is redeemable against the final exam.

Updated:  30 Mar 2019/ Responsible Officer:  Head of School/ Page Contact:  Josh Milthorpe